
04 April 2011

More Snow

Our weekend plans were slightly thwarted when we learned that both boys had RSV and Nash was diagnosed with a double ear infection. We had our sitter all lined up to go on a date (our first in a long time) but quickly reconsidered when Nash's temperature climbed to 103° on Friday night. Then, our friends flew in from Colorado for conference weekend. We were really looking forward to spending some quality time with them, but we didn't want to infect them so we headed to the cabin. It worked out to quarantine ourselves while giving them a little more space back at our house, but we couldn't help but feel like we were missing out.  Sickness sure seems to come at the worst times.

The nice spring weather we enjoyed before Nash's temperature spiked was also a little too good to be true. We woke up to several more inches of snow on Sunday morning. I must admit though, the snow is quite beautiful when it creates a blanket over the lake and mountains. I don't mind the snow as long as I can gaze at it from the warmth inside.