
11 April 2011


I had so much fun building an animal village with my buddy Blake last night. I forgot that I was his mom for a while. I was genuinely enjoying our play time. Blake kept repeating, "This is really really really fun."

How could it not be fun with the awesome home we built for those animals? We thought of all the details. Beds, chairs, windows, a garage, food, stairs, an animal train, and even a trash can to put out by the street. I let Blake protect our creation by hiding it away in the laundry room overnight so that Nash wouldn't immediately destroy it the next morning. That probably didn't set the best precedent, but I couldn't resist the sparkles in Blake's eyes when he begged to keep the village intact for another day.

It was a good reminder to me that amidst this whiny, have-a-meltdown-about-everything phase that Blake is currently in, he can be a complete joy. I could almost cut through the enthusiasm in the room.

And when I took the time to give him my undivided attention (Nash was in bed early), there were huge payoffs for both of us. I do love our little man.


  1. Can I come play legos?! That is quite the impressive creation you have there!!!

  2. And so it begins--he's apparently related to Jorden. With two boys, be prepared for duplos and legos to take over the house, but that's a good thing.

  3. Awwww, I love this post. So sweet. And Julie, I had the same thought about him taking after his uncle!!!
