
24 June 2010

Revamping the Laundry Room

Last summer, I started on a series of projects to revamp or spruce up some rooms in our house. I transformed Blake's Room, The Guest Room, which later also turned into Nash's Nook, The Workspace, The Master Bedroom, and The Makeshift Playroom. Looking back, I noticed that many of these rooms have gone through additional fixing up and don't even look like they did when I captured them. I have come to the conclusion that I am a permanent Nester. Nesting isn't something that just kicks in during the third trimester of pregnancy for me, rather, it is a constant state of mind. I am always looking for ways to update our 90's looking home, although I still haven't been able to get rid of all of the gold knobs, stark white walls, and honey colored woodwork. However, I love to incorporate changes where I can. After two years, the kitchen windows are already on their third set of handmade window treatments. Once one project or room is finished for the time being, my mind is already overflowing with ideas for another room. I think that Troy dreads coming home from work and hearing the words, "Look what I made today!"

One room that I have wanted to revamp for a long time is the laundry room. Whenever my mom comes into town, we go into serious project mode together. She helps me with all of the sewing aspects of my projects. We have talked about painting the laundry room the last 3 or 4 times she has visited, but other things have always seemed to get in the way. So this time around, I buckled down and bought the paint before my parents arrived to ensure that we'd tackle it. When I told Troy about our project, he wondered why in the world I would need to revamp a room I hardly spend any time in (to which I replied, "I spend a lot more time in there than you do!"). I know that my female friends "get it" that even a laundry room is deserving of some sprucing up. Here is what we came up with (for now).

I always forget to take a before picture, but just imagine a lot of stark white.

I received this vinyl saying for Christmas but I waited to put it up because I knew that I wanted to paint first. The laundry detergent is kept in a glass jar with a scoop. The window treatment was also made several months ago, just waiting for some green walls to match it.

The three little baskets on top of the cupboard are what started the whole transformation. Green actually isn't my favorite color (it's blue), but it is found in almost every room in our house. I don't think that bright blue cookie monster walls would have really worked.

I couldn't resist putting these hangers on the bulkhead. They're vinyl, not real (in case you were confused).


  1. So cute!!! I completely understand the always having a "next project" in mind, even when you're working on your current project. I think David is starting to dread when i say I have an idea :)

  2. It's so nice to have it finally done and in pictures! I don't think there's a room we haven't tackled yet. I guess you got your "nesting" from me--sorry Troy!

  3. That looks so darling. I love it. I love your whole house infact. You have such great style.

  4. That turned out AWESOME! I think you should come into town and help me do some redecorating....

  5. Wow, that looks soooo good Linds! I'm amazed at the things you do in so little time. That would probably take me a year!

  6. Lindsey, I LOVE your laundry room. I had the same phrase in my laundry room in Draper but without the vinyl hangers. The hangers are cute. You are so talented in home decoration. Is it so nice to have Troy home again?:) I wish you both were still here but we'll see you soon. :)

  7. Can you please tell me what color paint that is? It is exactly what I'm looking for after 3 failed green attempts.
    Thank you so much,
    Tammi in GA
