
12 June 2010


When I woke up this morning to face a cold rainy Saturday with the little ones alone again, I knew I had to think of something creative to do or we would all go crazy. Yesterday was not the high point with either of the boys and having no husband around was starting to get old. With another daunting day ahead of me, I remembered this recipe for playdough that I used all the time for my class when I was student teaching. The magic ingredient is Kool-Aid; it gives the playdough color and makes it smell good. We made snowmen and pizza and snakes with the playdough. We even made baby snakes, to which Blake commented, "Mama, feed the baby snake," as he pointed to my chest. I guess he really grasps the concept of nursing. Needless to say, Blake enjoyed our activity. Now if I could only solve the nap boycotting problem that I have encountered with him the last couple of days.

Here is the easy recipe I used:

• 1 cup flour
• 1 cup water
• ½ cup salt
• 2 to 3 tsp cream of tartar
• 1 package Kool-Aid mix
• 1 Tbsp cooking oil

Mix the dry ingredients together in a medium saucepan. Slowly add the water mixed with oil and stir over medium heat until mixture thickens to dough. Let cool a few minutes and then knead until smooth.


  1. LOL at the feeding the snake thing. I was thinking about making playdough with Blake when I got there, but we'll stick to cut-out cookies. What would a visit from grandma be without making cookies? I'm sure he'll have to have his usual "green frosting". His faces are darling in the pics! XOXOXOX

  2. That play dough looks really bright! I am going to save that recipe for my class!

  3. Did you get a new camera? The pictures look particularly pretty today!

    And the feeding the snake thing = HILARIOUS. I actually chuckled out loud when I read that!

  4. What a great idea! I had totally forgotten about playdough. Wyatt will love this. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'm sorry your back in Utah without Troy. It must be so hard. I know that whenever Devin leaves out of town, I hate it. Hang in there. Oh, and Blake's response about nursing was so funny/cute. :)

  5. Soooo cute!! I'm going to have to remember that one!

  6. Totally just saved this in my "Fun Ideas for Later" folder. I'd make it now but Jenna and Lucy would just eat it...
