There is a big playground sandwiched in between the place we are renting and the beach. I couldn't be more happy about that considering it is about the only time that Nash will leave my hip. All of sudden, he won't go to anyone but me, and he wants me to hold him every second. Needless to say, my arms are very grateful for the entertaining park across the street.

Nash has no fear when it comes to climbing.

Blake, however, has suffered cuts and bruises up and down his legs from playing so hard.

Where's your belly?

We like to take bike rides for recreation in the evenings.

Sometimes cousins join in on the adventure.

One night, we ventured out on a 14 mile bike ride around Muskegon Lake. On one side, the sun glistened over the water. But on the other side, we saw over and over again how hard the economy has hit Michigan. Factories that were once booming are now in ruins.

We certainly never run out of things to do here.
Skyler was a little sad to know that the boys played at the park without her. Apparently you were supposed to sit inside and pine for her on the 18 days that DIDN'T involve playing with Skyler. :)