
02 August 2011

Nash - One Point Five

Nash hit the half-way mark to two.

Less of a baby, more of a little boy.

I can hardly believe that Nash is 18 months old already. He has been my roomie here in Michigan and I can't get enough of pulling him into my bed each morning for a good long snuggle. That's about the only time he will hold still, because once his feet touch the ground, he is on the go.

His personality is emerging more and more every day. He imitates everything. His favorite word to repeat is "stuck" (and he uses it in the right context). He follows his brother around relentlessly. He climbs up the highest stairways and dives into water with no fear. He shakes off bumps and falls like they barely happened. He gives out open-mouthed kisses and high fives to anyone who asks.

When he's not being sweet, Nash can be a handful and a half. He certainly has a mind of his own. His favorite activity is playing in toilet water. And his favorite accessory to the toilet is the paper. He seems to have radar for open bathroom doors with porcelain bowls calling his name.

He screams an ear-piercing scream when he doesn't get his way. I often get the sympathetic comment from onlookers, "You've got your hands full." It's true. But my heart is full too. I am so head over heels in love with our charming little Nash. 


  1. Those cute little pants with that cute little belt just matches "To a T" that adorable face!

  2. He looks like he's posing for his senior pictures--what a little doll!

  3. He got so big all of a sudden! I feel like it was just yesterday when you posted the first pictures I saw of your new little son.

  4. He's going to be a heartbreaker for sure. What a doll!! His eyes are so gorgeous and his clothes are super cute!!
