
09 May 2011

Double Duty

Mother's Day always makes me reflect on the great responsibility and privilege of raising our precious children. As my family pampered me with meals and gifts, I felt my heart swell up with how blessed I am to get to soak them in every day. I adore them.

A dear aunt of mine (who is really Troy's aunt but I claim as my own) wrote some inspiring words about motherhood matters a few years ago. She has five mostly grown children and a whole lot of perspective on mothering. I have often kept her words in the forefront of my mind as I've battled through my own trenches of motherhood.

"As a young mother with children tugging at me and needing my attention, I often longed for the day when I could really “get something done.” Now, those years of caring for little ones are past, and I actually spend most days alone with that coveted time to get things done. 

Yes, now I can shop without having to also load children in and out of car seats along with the groceries. Now I can often bake without having to let others have a turn stirring, and now I sometimes can clean without having to teach others how to stick to an unpleasant job. 

But the irony is that now I probably spend the same amount of time, or more, doing those things. And to be honest, the accomplishments feel just a little hollow at times because I’m not doing double duty. Before, I somehow managed to run the house while nurturing little ones. Without nurturing being the larger portion of my day’s ingredients, somehow at the end of the day my to-do list seems just a little less fulfilling and meaningful. Before, my demands were double but so were my rewards.

May young mothers who are struggling to manage a home and family also manage to recognize the double portion of love, satisfaction, and meaning that is rightfully theirs."

I try to remember these words from a wise mother who was in my shoes whenever I find myself longing for "me time." Doing double duty is no doubt a tough job. But the rewards of soaking up moments with our children are among the greatest. I am trying my best to recognize the double portion of love, satisfaction, and meaning that comes with the noble task of mothering.


  1. Happy Mother's Day Nashy #1! Those shots of you with each boy are precious.

    I love reading your blog because you are honest about all the good times and the struggles as well. Your aunt has wise words to follow, but it really seems like you've done an amazing job keeping the balance.

  2. Agree with Kyle, I love your Mother's Day Posting! I wish I could have posted as well, but a terrible cold that both Austin and I came down with, left us snuggling on the couch, which was nice, but left us with snotty noses and in no position for pictures. I absolutely love those pics of you and your boys! What a beautiful family!

  3. Incredible words from your aunt!! I always love reading your blog. And...I think i need to hire you as my stylist. Your clothes and hair are always perfection...just thought I'd let you know. :)
    Happy mother's day to you!

  4. I love the gems you always find on motherhood. They always inspire me to be a better mother.
