
30 October 2010

The Snow Came Over

We were greeted home from our vacation with a whole slew of snow. I forgot how exciting it is in a child's eyes to receive the first snowfall of the year. When I saw that cold white stuff on the ground, all I wanted to do was curl up by the fireplace and stay homebound for three days. But I couldn't deny Blake of his excitement to bundle up in warm gear and touch and taste the icy snow. So, out we went to discover the perfect packing snow to build a snowman. Blake was elated that "the snow came over." 


  1. Snow is much more fun and exciting when you're little. He sounded thrilled when he called to tell me there was snow on the ground. Blake looks so cute standing by his new BFF, hopefully it hasn't melted already.

  2. i can't believe you got snow already!!! I hope it doesn't snow next weekend-- that's why we planned to come the beginning on november :)

    CUTE snowman too.

  3. To live in snow seems like living in a foreign country to me - just so different and almost strange to think about. I love the pics though. Blake with the snowman is just priceless. Maybe we will try to go up north this year for a day trip so my boys can see what snow look likes!

  4. Haha I love that he said the snow came over. Cute pics. Almost makes me miss the snow...but not quite. :)
