
24 October 2010


We survived enjoyed our trip to California! Before I sort through hundreds of pictures from our vacation, I had to tell about my favorite Blake moment from our week long stay. 

Blake spotted the pool immediately upon arrival at our hotel. He begged to go swimming every time we stepped outside, but unfortunately it was cold and rainy the entire week. He would literally wake up in the morning and put on his sunglasses, hoping to go for a swim.

One morning when we were waiting in our room for Nash to take a nap, I decided that we could brave the cold and venture out to the pool. I didn't want my little boy to come home devastated that he didn't get an opportunity to go swimming and it didn't look like the weather would get better throughout the week. I asked Blake if he wanted to go in the pool. He paused and let the question process for a split second. Then he whipped up his shirt and darted to the bedroom to pull his swimsuit out of the drawer.

He plopped right down on the bathroom floor, struggling to put his feet in the wrong swimsuit openings. Immediately after getting Blake all suited up with his sandals on and a towel in hand for the pool, a torrential downpour began with thunder and lightning. I had to break the news to my eager boy that we would have to wait to go swimming. His look of disappointment just about killed me. He had a little meltdown. We let him watch a movie, hoping that we wouldn't crush his feelings if the rain didn't quit! (And also knowing that he would never take a nap if he didn't go in the pool first.)

Thankfully the rain died down to a drizzle within the hour. We made another swimming attempt only to find out that the pool was closed due to a chemical imbalance!

There was no way that I could crush Blake's aspirations another time, so I let him go in the next available option; the jacuzzi. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate for such a young child to be in a jacuzzi, but it actually wasn't that hot and he mostly splashed and played around the outside. It felt glorious for me to sit in the drizzle with the steam rolling off the jacuzzi.

Blake's only wish was happily fulfilled. He squealed with glee and talked about the pool for the rest of the day (like those upside down glasses?).

It was definitely a highlight of the trip.

Lots more to come!


  1. Oh what a sweet post! Our little Brody is very much obsessed with water. Sometimes he has even started taking off his clothes as soon as he sees water. So knowing that about my own boy I totally know how you and Blake felt. Poor boy just wanted to play in the pool. I am glad it finally worked out :)

  2. Blake in those sunglasses just SLAYS me! Beyond cute. And I also adore that last photo of you and him, you look so happy and blessed Nashy.
