
30 March 2012

My Morning View

For the last four years, this has been my view from our kitchen window every single morning:
The tree changes with the seasons, but the way the light captures and warms the branches as the sun rises over the mountains always makes me want to lasso in the beauty with the help of my camera. Of course, I can't do justice to that slanting morning light.

It makes me pause every day and soak in an instant of beauty while I'm rinsing dishes.

Even though the tree is technically in our next door neighbor's yard, I like to claim it as our own.

The spring blooms make it that much more breathtaking.

It doesn't hurt that "my tree" is in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains either.


  1. Ooo I love it! Beautiful photos! And amen to always wanting to capture beautiful light. We need to play with photography again, don't we? Especially before your start all your traveling this summer!

  2. Gorgeous photos. I'm jealous of the view.

    And I have to tease you...are you becoming a blog snob? You haven't commented on my blog in ages, and I had a post with a Friends' quote especially for you. :)

  3. Oh Stephanie, I feel terrible. I hardly have time anymore to update my own blog let alone read and comment on others'. Sorry :( I'm hopping over there right now.

  4. Don't feel terrible!!! I almost didn't say anything, because I didn't want you to feel bad! I was hoping you would know I was teasing. You just poured your heart out to me about how crazy things have gotten with the new job, and I totally understand. Also, please don't think I expect you to comment on every post or anything. I just had to make sure you saw the Friends reference that was written especially for my partner in crime. :) Love ya so much and can't wait to see you in just over a month!!!

  5. Oh I am filled with jealousy and envy for your spring, for the beauty of those mountains and the real trees and grass that you can see everyday. This is the time of year that begins my hatred for the desert and it goes on till around November

    Great pics!!
