
03 April 2012

Hippity Hop

Sometimes I forget about experiencing new things with my second child because my first child has been able to do them for so long.

Last Easter, Nash wasn't even walking yet. And now, he can run full speed. I wasn't even thinking about how hunting for eggs would be a whole new experience for him.

I picked up on his excitement quickly when my friend hosted a pre-Easter egg hunt for some children in our neighborhood today.



While Blake and the other children were running around filling up their buckets to the brim...

...Nash plopped himself down on the grass with his handful of plastic eggs and carefully inspected the contents one by one.

I think he'll get the swing of it by this weekend now that he knows what lies within.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! Nash is looking so much older, he looks just like Blake in a few of those photos. Hope you guys have a nice Easter weekend :)
