
25 April 2012

iPhoneography: April Edition

Here's a little Instagram snapshot from the last month, because sometimes it's just more convenient to snap pictures on my phone instead of lugging my big camera around.

I had plans to visit my good friend and her newborn baby at the hospital (more on that later), but as I was about to leave, Blake threw himself on the ground begging to come with me. I knew that he was past due for some one-on-one time, and there wasn't really any reason he couldn't come, so we loaded up and spent an entire afternoon and evening together. We drove to our old college town and I showed Blake the apartment where we lived for 8 months after he was born. He was really curious about his bedroom window and how his bed got from there to the house we live in now.

After visiting the sweet new baby, we stopped to get my ring cleaned and Blake was put to work at the machine. We had dinner at J-Dawgs, which used to be a little hot dog stand on campus but now has expanded into an entire corner restaurant. Blake deemed our date "the best, most special day ever."  He has been asking ever since when we get to have a special day again.

We decided to get a season pass to the children's museum this year, and we discovered recently that we could sign up for special art or music classes. The activity last week was painting watering cans. Nash had a little too much fun with his first painting experience. He painted his hands and the insides of his mouth more than the actual watering can.

This year is flying by. How is it almost May already?


  1. So cute. Again I had the greatest time last night. Thank you!!!!

  2. I think you should stick with the allergic to snakes story. :) And I love that you and Blake had a special day together. Everytime I do that with one of my kids (which isn't often enough), I am so glad.

  3. Adam loves J-Dawgs! You've reminded me that I'm due for some one-on-one time with my kids too.. looks like fun!
