
28 April 2012

Field Trip

I love that I have been able to go on a couple of field trips with Blake's class this year, while he still thinks it's "cool" to have his mom tag along.

His final field trip was to the zoo.
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My "group" that I had to keep my eye on was a piece of cake. Little girls are so different than little boys. Sweet Ava just wanted to hold my hand the whole time and occasionally point out a bird.
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And the boys preferred to run off and climb up things like brass rhinos.
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Blake claims that the giraffes were his favorite part.
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But I think he was more interested in the animal fruit snacks his teacher brought than the actual animals.


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I have to admit that the zoo isn't my favorite place in the world, but nothing is more delightful than watching a group of four year olds interact.


The best part of the day was when I was passing the school bus and could see Blake's little eyes peeping above the bench and his hand frantically waving at me. That sort of thing turns my heart to mush.


  1. Their little shirts are so fun!

  2. Great photos! Ava's a cute little girl (what? girls stay more still than boys?). I laughed that Blake cared more about the fruit snacks than the real animals... so true. Fun!
