
26 March 2012

The Sock Bun

I have to admit, I kind-of love the high sock bun. It is so easy and fast on mornings where there just isn't time for hair.

And, as an added bonus, it produces wavy curls the next day that I hardly have to touch up at all.


But I about died laughing when our four year old drew a picture of me and my sock bun piled sky high above my head.

Thanks, Blake, for giving me a little reality check.


  1. OMG! I have rocked the sock bun as well!!! Everyone at work thought it was cute, then thought I was a nut when I told them I had a sock in my hair! You look cute and I love the curls! Also, I have to tell you I got this weird hair donut type thing in China that is covered with velcro (the hook side texture) and it is for doing the sock bun. It holds your hair is place really well! If I travel again I will have to get you one, it is functional but still funny :)

  2. Carla - I have found the best trick to be cutting off the ends of my little boys' socks since they are already small, haha! My hair wraps around those socks and is held in place so nicely.

  3. You are model material, girl!

  4. Very cute! The funniest part is Blake's interpretation of your bun stacked HIGH upon your head. I'm glad he labeled it "MOM" so we know it's you.

  5. I love the sock bun on other people!

    You have such pretty hair Nashy. And Blake's picture is hilarious!

  6. I really need to try the sock bun waves again, you've inspired me. And I love the idea of just wearing that as a bun-- you always make it look so cute!
