
02 December 2010

Ten Months and Standing

I love this little guy.

But man oh man, he makes me worry.

You see, I am a worrier.

Worry is a "quality" that comes to me quite naturally.

I thought I had a good chunk of the parenting tricks down pat since we are now experiencing all of the stages a second time around. But Nash comes with his own set of unique worries.

If it's not his lack of weight gain then it's his heart issues. And if talk of his heart surgery is on hold then I worry about his development. And lately those worries have included a fear that he won't learn to crawl.

Don't get me wrong, Nash gets where he wants to go. He is a very fast inch-wormer. He can pull himself across the floor like a soldier slugging through the mud. But he has shown no interest in getting up on all fours. And I can't use the same tricks I used to get Blake to crawl in the grass since we have two feet of snow on the ground.

So when Nash recently pulled himself up to standing, I was terrified that it might be an indicator of skipping past that important crawling stage and moving on to walking.

I am in no rush for most of the developmental milestones. I figure the longer we can put off teething, baby food, walking, transitioning out of a crib, etc., the better. It'll all come in time when he is ready. But skipping over the crawling milestone altogether scares me.

Experts and occupational therapists say that crawling (on hands and knees) is a critical developmental milestone. I know a few people who skipped crawling as babies who had to go through crawling therapy as adults. They had to retrain their "crawling" muscles in physical therapy to form better connections between the right and left hemispheres of their brains.

Babies who skip past crawling and go straight to walking are supposedly not as strong and they have a harder time as older children with simple physical tasks. Bypassing this milestone can also affect a whole slew of things down the road including coordination issues, handwriting difficulties, risk of dyslexia, and increased fatigue. 

So, yes, I'm left with worry. Worry over issues small and large, things that if given time will probably work themselves out as most things do.

And you know what?

Nash is a miracle. Sure, he has his health and developmental issues. But despite the discomforts he has had to go through in his short life so far, he is oh so happy. Every time his eyes sparkle at us, I know that he is pleased as punch to be in our family. And we feel likewise. Sometimes it helps ease the worries when we know that we are working with a little miracle. We sure love his sweetness.


  1. Awww, I love him too. Your research was interesting, and new to me. I had always heard it was important for babies not to skip certain milestones, but I didn't know the exact reasons why. Crazy. Now that I know the background, I hope for his sake he learns to crawl too. But I have no doubt that if for some reason he doesn't, it will all be just fine. He is certainly a perfectly precious little boy!

  2. Don't you wish children came with handbooks. For Nash, his handbook could say, "he will skip crawling but don't worry, Ihe will be one of those kids who are still okay"!! Handbooks would be especially nice cause every child is different.

    You are good and smart mom to research and be informed.

  3. Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you about this for several days, and I'm finally getting to it. My brother is a pediatric physical therapist, so I asked him about this and what you could do (I told him what you did to help Blake). He said you probably don't need to worry quite yet that he isn't crawling because pulling up to a standing position and crawling usually happen about the same time. BUT he did say an idea to help him start crawling (and he completely agreed that it is important to learn that step - that's what he does all day is teach babies how to crawl) anyway, he said putting him on the wood floors in your house more often might help him get motivated to crawl because it's less comfortable than carpet so he'll move faster to get to a more comfortable spot. :) That was a suggestion he had. Anyway, this is way long, but I wanted to let you know - I hope it helps! :) BTW we got your Christmas card - adorable of course. And we went to Nate's Christmas party and reading your post about your parties made me laugh at how alike he and Troy are. :) Miss you guys!
