
23 December 2010

Christmas Morning Take One

We celebrated Christmas a week early with my family while they were in town for a brief few days. After opening another round of gifts shortly after Blake's birthday, I can't believe that we are going to do this all over again in a few days! I hope the magic of the actual Christmas isn't lessened from all of our recent present-opening extravaganzas. It's too bad that we can't spread out the indulgence a little bit throughout the year. I think that Blake is still excited about the "Santa" aspect of Christmas though (and we're working on the excitement for the "Nativity" aspect). And what child would complain about additional presents? 

The boxes and gifts took over the living room; looks like a typical Christmas morning.


  1. Love how you are getting them started on Dr. Seuss early. What a big part of my childhood. When he died I felt like a piece of my childhood was gone.

  2. Your boys are so cute. Every picture I see of Nash makes me smile. You must be one proud mama. Merry Christmas!!

  3. I love the matching pajamas! So cute!
