
08 November 2010

Hometown Peeps

I grew up with these girls. Primary. Girls' Camp. Early Morning Seminary. Youth Conferences. Young Women's. Crushes. Heartbreaks. Disappointments. Triumphs.

There is a special place in my heart for my Michigan church friends who helped mold me into who I am now.

Now we're all married and own homes and are in charge of leading those nursery and primary children and young women.

We feel like we were just there giving our leaders teenage attitude (sorry).

We sure don't make these outings occur often enough even though we all have moved to the West.

Our girls' night out consisted of reconnecting and reminiscing about those responsibility-free days. It was refreshing to catch up on the people and places in Michigan - my home that fades more and more into my past with each passing year.


  1. This sure made me miss those girls too! Amber is looking especially cute with her striped baby. What lovely ladies you all have become!

  2. Awwwww...You're all so cute. Although there were times......well, anyway, you all have become wonderful, beautiful, and ya make me feel old. ;)

  3. It was so fun to see everyone! Thanks for organizing it.
