
27 February 2010

Ice Castles

We went to see these amazing ice structures while staying at the cabin over the weekend. They were formed in front of a resort in Midway by a man who made an art out of sprinkler pipes, water, and freezing temperatures. He designed a makeshift icicle farm of castles reaching 20 to 40 feet. There's even a path around the castles so people can come in and get an up-close look at the amazing formations.

Some daytime views:

We took the whole family when it was dark out so that we could see the ice castles lit up.

Some nighttime views:

There were tunnels that we could walk through.

Blake was pretty excited when he found his own icicle to taste.

Troy commented on this ice structure; "That's going to impale someone!" Luckily, Blake's Grandpa didn't quite put him close enough for that.

Blake decided to lounge in the snow bank for awhile. However, he didn't really like the aftermath of a wet backside.

Proof that Nash was there, too.

After seeing the ice castles, we got ice cream at the resort's pastry shop and sat in the tea parlor.

Blake was good about sharing what he thought was "his" ice cream.

Mostly, he saved all the ice cream for himself. He has recounted the experience of seeing the ice castles and eating ice cream all day today, so it must have been a memorable experience for him!


  1. That looks like so much fun. I would love to know where that is. We would love to go there.

  2. Wow that place looks amazing. What a fun family activity. Looking at it made me want hot chocolate!!
