
09 February 2010

First Week

I forgot how much I love having a newborn around! I feel like I didn't anticipate his arrival to the full extent, but now that baby Nash is here, I just can't get enough of him. He is seriously an angel baby. He sleeps and eats like a champ. He is just the most precious thing and I love him so much already. I wish I had more time to cuddle him and let him fall asleep on me because babies grow up way too fast.

It has been an interesting transition for us to have two children. The baby has been the easy part. Blake has been our challenge. He is really good with the baby but has been acting out in other ways to get attention. I'm sure that is to be expected, but I feel like his terrible two's are peaking at the most inconvenient time. He was also diagnosed with an ear infection yesterday after 10 consecutive days of congestion and throwing up. We have dismantled and washed every item from Blake's crib several times, disinfected the carpet, and cleaned up more messes than I thought were possible even from awful-gag-reflux-Blake. Thankfully, Troy has been on paternity leave since we had Nash, but as of tomorrow it's me vs. the two kiddos alone. Wish me luck...


  1. he is darling!!! there is nothing like a newborn!! good luck with blake's behavior... hopefully it's just worse since he's been sick too! and good luck with troy back at work... that was the WORST when dave had to leave me. but you'll be fine :)

  2. Oh SO cute, can't wait to see him (them). Just hang on...we're be there as soon as we can! xoxoxo

  3. You will do great! He is so cute, I just can't wait to see him again. He looks so much bigger in the pictures than he really is.

  4. Oh he is just precious. I swear after a toddler a calm baby who can't move is just heaven!! Yeah, two is so different. I think you are under the impression it won't be that difficult cause you dealt with one already but when you dealth with that one there wasn't a toddler who needed you!! I am sure it will be fine. It is all adjustment from here on out and finding the niche for you and the kids. Good luck - I am sure it will be great!!
