
25 February 2010

Filling Out

Nash hasn't even hit the 7 pound mark yet, but his little cheeks look so much chubbier to me than when he was born. It's just not fair how fast newborns grow up.

Would you like some tea?

I love some of his expressions.

Have I mentioned his cute hair?


  1. I see some resemblance of Blake in that last shot. He is so sweet!

  2. he is so cute. Although to me he is still looking teeny tiny, but again London was 9 lbs when he was born, lol.

  3. Oh his outfit is just too adorable. Yes, that newborn stage is such a precious stage and it just FLIES by!!

  4. Ahhhh he's so CUTE!! I'm sorry we didn't make it up to see you last weekend, it was a busy couple of days. But we're planning on coming for Easter so maybe that weekend? I need to see him again!!

  5. Sometimes he looks so much like Blake, but I'm starting to see that he has his totally own look too. He is so adorable.
