
10 August 2009

Revamping the Guest Room

Sometimes I get in these kicks where I want to change the look of a room. Then, the wheels in my head start spinning and I end up wanting to redo and update every room. We've been in our house for a year now, so the ideas for room transformations were bound to come. I've been changing around and adding things to almost every room, but one of the first rooms I wanted to tackle was the guest room. When we moved in, we threw a mattress in there with some bedding on it for when company came, but that was about it. I wanted to make the room a little nicer and add a dresser for clothes since the closet is full of my craft supplies. Of course, once I got going, I couldn't just stop with the dresser. So, I embellished a bit more.

To my dismay, Troy is against painting the walls of rooms. So, I had to add color in other ways. The hanging frames in the corner are from Ikea and I used coordinating papers to brighten them up. I also added some artwork and ribbon covered lampshades. However, my most proud accomplishment was the construction of a headboard using this tutorial. I actually built the headboard in one afternoon, but gathering all of the supplies was the real time consuming part.

The rocking chair is now an addition to the guest room as well because I am transforming Blake's room into a big boy room. That room isn't quite finished yet. I'm trying to convince my husband to let me paint it. I think that brightly printed walls should just be a part of a child's bedroom. I picked up the wooden lanterns forever ago and didn't have a place for them until now. I had to get out the hot glue gun for repairs because my toddler slightly destroyed them, but I think they fit perfectly. That white wall needs something still.

I also painted, papered, and sanded some wooden mirror frames.

They actually hang next the to the mirror in the guest bathroom, but I couldn't get a shot of the bathroom and frames at the same time.
So, everyone should come visit us and stay in our revamped guest room. We love company!


  1. Wow! It looks GREAT! That is exactly what I want MY bedroom to look like. I think you should take a trip to Wisconsin so you can redecorate it for me :)

  2. WOW - good for you and your crafty ways and being very Martha Stewart and making the room look amazing with just a few touches. My ability to be crafty is the equivalent to those of elementary school children. My abilities never progressed after that. Tell Troy I am a white wall advocate too but it is necessary and I have adapted cause Jake can't stand white walls. Everything looks great though, love the look of the room!

  3. Greg is anti-painting walls, too. I think I've got him worn down to light colors that won't be too hard to paint over. But we don't own a house yet so that's a battle that will really come later. Boys...

  4. Am I looking in a magazine? You do some great work, and I love that you did almost everything on your own! Personal touches are always great. Someday we will come out and visit and Kylie can spend some quality time with her boyfriend :)

  5. Wow. I am with Kourtni...that looks amazing. I would love some help with my bedroom and guest room... They are on the to do list. Along with Grant and Eric's room, the living room ( you see where this is going, don't you...)

  6. Wow, I never cease to be amazed by your craftiness! You give me great ideas for if and when I ever get a bigger, nicer house to decorate! I love that you are so thrifty and creative. It makes it so much more fun than if you went and spent hundreds of dollars at Pottery Barn or something, and in my opinion-it looks even better!

    And I thought you were laying low these days...sheesh!
