
14 February 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

I love my two Valentines.


  1. Oh my goodness that is just TOO cute! Could those pictures BE anymore perfect. Blake poses wonderfully and the L O V E blocks are just great. What a wonderful idea for Valentines day

  2. cute pictures . He looks like he is growing up so fast.

  3. Oh my gosh what a cute little guy. His smile is so precious. You have a wonderful family.

  4. He is the cutest baby ever! Hope he's my Valentine too!

  5. Aw, that is so cute! He's such a happy little guy. By the way, thanks for the heads up about stake conference- we had no idea! Everyone already bought tickets so we're just going to have family and friends get together at either our apartment or the church building after stake conference and we'll bless her then. You guys are totally invited- I'll let you know more later!

  6. Blake you didn't smilel that big and Donna's house. What gives? You are too cute.
