
24 December 2014

Holy Infant so Tender and Mild

I can't say that this year's Christmas Eve nativity reenactment was very calm or orderly.  Crew and his cousins peeled off their shepherd costumes before we even finished the story. Troy somehow morphed into a ninja Joseph. We sang a not so reverent rendition of "We Three Kings" in the mix. And I'm pretty sure the real Mary didn't sit behind her camera lens attempting to capture the chaos while in the stable.

But there is something special about having a real live baby to play the part of Jesus. And he was the most reverent of us all.

Nash was thrilled to be a "wise guy."





I never tire of hearing the story of the birth of our Savior and the older I get the more appreciation I have for this blessed event. He is the gift, which is so much more than a month long celebration. It's a life-long celebration as we come to understand and embrace the gift. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, your boys are just the cutest. Can't wait to catch up this week and hear about your Christmas!
