
23 December 2014

Fall in Instas

Before we wind up 2014, there are a few more events via my phone that I want to record.

A week before Finn was born, we took Blake and Nash to the new Ogden temple open house. Before a temple is dedicated for worship, it is open to the public. Everyone can enter and feel of the special spirit within it's walls. The boys loved the "sparkly room" (the celestial room) the best.

Once Finn was born, he never left my side. Newborns make the sweetest faces.

A week after Finn was born, I was feeling pretty good about having all three older boys bathed on a Sunday morning and was ready to give Finn his first bath. I went in the bedroom to get him, and when I came back, I found Crew fully clothed in the baby tub full of water. We got a little stir crazy on those first days trapped at home with a newborn, so I took the older boys for a jaunt around the Great Salt Lake that evening.

Crew was a good sport about running errands with me while Blake and Nash were at school. Sometimes he was lucky enough to score a balloon. We usually grabbed lunch on Fridays because Blake got out of school early and there wasn't enough time to run all the way back home after picking Nash up from preschool.

There were many Saturdays filled with college football. We didn't kid around when it came to the Michigan State/Michigan game.

We enjoyed many weekend date nights with our good friends as always. We kicked off the holidays with dinner and dessert downtown and a walk through the shopping center admiring the lights.

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