While we were in Hawaii, Blake developed a love for drawing and coloring and linking together sheet after sheet of completed artwork. Since his grandparents are only living there temporarily, they don't have a big supply of toys. But I kind of loved that it forced Blake to be more creative with the time we had indoors.
His affinity for all things art has only grown since then.

I put together a little kit of supplies for him and he uses it every single day. Most days, the items are used all day long. Even if he's watching a show, he'll pause it to draw a picture of what he sees; shields, sailboats, patterns, and one day he replicated an entire game.

Now, in addition to building machines, he writes and illustrates books about machines. Come to think of it, his love for building machines originated the last time we visited Hawaii. There must be something in the air there that sparks creativity (and possibly the lack of toys).

Almost every Thursday morning since Blake was a baby, we have gone to storytime at the library. But throughout the year, they have weeks off here and there between sessions. When Blake learned that there was going to be a lapse, he immediately started brainstorming ideas about having storytime at our house in lieu of the library.
He was so passionate about all of the intricate details that I could not say no. He planned out the entire morning from top to bottom. And he used his newfound creative skills to craft individual invitations.

He invited a few friends from the neighborhood that we usually see at library storytime. I wish I could have captured how much his face was glowing as we hand delivered them.

Then, he came up with the lesson plan all on his own. He gathered his favorite books and thought of all the movement activities. He had the materials gathered days in advance. All he talked about for the week leading up to storytime was how many days were left until the big event.

Minus a minor bumping into each other incident during one of the movement songs, storytime at Blake's house was a hit.

That boy is going to be someone amazing someday. He already is! Love the storytime at home idea.