
30 March 2013

iPhoneography: Chaos

Our lives are a tad on the chaotic side as of late; as evidenced from my phone:

First of all, there is the basement remodel. We're making progress, but the race is still on to try to finish before the baby comes (and for everyone to shift bedrooms). With the remodel comes so many little choices; tile, tub surround, vanity, grout, paint, carpet, and on and on. It seems like we are always running around town picking out things. And then re-picking out things when we start second guessing.

We're transforming many aspects of our main floor as well. And for some reason we decided that now might be a good time for a massive painting project. Which means that everything is off the walls and our furniture is piled up in the center of each room. The only appliance left in our kitchen is the dishwasher for the next week or so while the cabinets are revamped. Thankfully, we have a refrigerator in the garage, but we're learning to survive without a stove and oven. Easter dinner to go?

On top of all the disarray at home, our church boundaries were realigned this week. The meetinghouse that we attend is assigned by the geographical location of our house, but from time to time the boundaries are realigned to accomodate growth. In this case, my dear friends from church that have become family to me were split in three different directions.

We are losing some of my favorite people. We still have book club and playgroup to keep us connected, but it's going to be really sad not seeing the same faces at church each Sunday. We mourned about the changes while our children hunted for Easter eggs, oblivious that they are all getting split up as well.

I'm not the only one who the boundary realignment affects. Troy was asked to serve in our new bishopric (which consists of the bishop and his two counselors that oversee the congregation).

Logistically, for him, it means lots and lots of meetings. I'm already used to that from other church responsibilities he has had, but what will affect me the most is that Troy will now sit up on the stand by the pulpit every week instead of with our family. And I would be lying if I said I didn't shed a few tears at the prospect of sitting alone with two restless boys and a newborn for 70 minutes every Sunday. It is quite the circus to keep Blake and Nash quiet and entertained and not arguing, but throw in a newborn who will need to be taken out and fed, and I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed at managing the chaos without Troy by my side.

One thing is for certain. Troy's Sunday afternoon snoozes have come to an end.

All of the things I have mentioned so far seem manageable, however, if Blake wasn't simultaneously giving me a run for my money. He has reverted back to having 5 or 6 accidents a day and I am completely at my wit's end with him. There is nothing more frustrating and infuriating than a having a five year old struggle so much with potty training. We're considering going back to occupational therapy again.

Oh, right, and I'm going to have a baby any day now. I just passed the point in pregnancy where I delivered Nash, but we could clearly use some time to get our lives somewhat back in order before this baby makes his debut.

I'm just counting my blessings that we are all healthy at the moment. And I took a little break from the chaos to get my pre-delivery pedicure. If nothing else, I have pretty toes.

1 comment:

  1. I knew all of this, but seeing it all lumped together in a post made me overwhelmed all over again for you! Hoping for your sake that you make it a few more weeks before delivering. And since you look approximately 4 months pregnant in that picture, hopefully you won't be too miserable waiting a few more weeks! :) You look great. Chin up, and just can do ANYTHING for a few weeks...right???

    Love you!
