
21 October 2011

Monster Cookies

I don't usually share recipes because I am so far from being a kitchen guru.

But I believe that all good things must be shared.

Monster cookies are my all time favorite cookies. They have pretty much every unhealthy ingredient in them, including lots and lots of peanut butter. That is why they are so addicting.  

I only make them about once a year because the recipe makes a ton. Like 10 dozen cookies. I have tried halving the recipe before, and they just don't turn out the same. Sometimes I freeze some of the dough so we don't have gazillions of cookies covering every kitchen surface.

Other times I just bake the entire batch and give them away. 

I received a text from my friend after Blake and I delivered them last night saying, "Holy best cookie I've ever tasted!"

Yes, they are that good.

I can't take credit for the recipe because my friends and I used to make monster cookies in college. As you scan over the ingredients, you'll clearly see why these cookies are an annual event. But they are so worth it.

As a side note, I used peanut butter m&ms instead of plain m&ms this time around. I searched five different stores for Halloween colored plain m&ms and they just did not exist this year.

Remember to enter the blog design giveaway that ends tonight!


  1. How can I not crave those after seeing them baking!? I might have to make them today!

  2. Annual what? I make them probably 10 times a year. For real...

    Did you know this is technically the "half recipe" and the actual one calls for a dozen eggs? Sick right?? I guess it's because you're supposed to make them really big (hence the "monster"). Anyway, I've started doing half of the "half recipe"(3 eggs)and they usually turn out the same, but the first time it required several calculations, and writing them down, to make sure I was doing it right. The corn syrup is the tricky part-I hate trying to measure corn syrup! :)

    Hmmm....I may need to go find some Halloween m&m's....

  3. If you love Monster Cookies (and it seems like these are a winner), you should try Paula Dean's Monster cookie on food network. It is heavenly. I know its hard to try a new one, but its going to blow your socks off too! I will try yours! Monster cookies are what I reward myself with after training for a race!

  4. They WERE the best cookies I've ever tasted! Thanks for sharing! I'm so excited to have the recipe and make them (I love that it uses a 1/2 POUND of brown sugar). One question-- is the t on baking soda, vanilla and corn syrup a teaspoon or a tablespoon? It looks lowercase so I'm guessing teaspoon, but I just wanted to make sure. Yum!

  5. umm.... these are in the oven right now. but... i halved it!!!! i'm sorry!!! I didn't mean to not listen-- I just didn't have enough ingredients. and it was a cookie day. so cross your fingers for me :)
