
02 January 2011

Say Hello to the Sunbeam

I can hardly believe that my baby is in Primary! He cheerfully mimics the hand motions to the songs and sits still in his miniature chair observing the actions of all the big kids. I am so happy that my church responsibilities are in Primary now and I get to watch the excited expressions on his face. He makes sure that I see every action he makes. And I wouldn't have it any other way for my little beamer.


  1. Blake's the cutest little Sunbeam--love his necklace!

  2. Yay for sunbeams! I love his awesome sweater vest!

  3. It's the first of the year, isn't it time for a blog update with new graphics?

  4. That IS fun that you get to be in Primary while he's in Sunbeams! I can't believe he's that old. Somehow I thought he'd be in nursery with my girls, but I guess that will just be Nashy boy :) (are you counting the weeks till nursery too? we've got 29)
