
10 January 2011

Pending Surgery

Nash goes in tomorrow for his heart surgery (read more here).

We are gearing up for a long couple of days at the hospital. We are incredibly grateful for all of the kind thoughts and prayers that have been sent our way.

(I also realized that I never did an 11 month post for Nash - so I stuck it in where it should have gone back here. And yes, he is finally crawling - go check out the video (mom) if you are interested.)


  1. We love you all so much! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love ya.

  2. Hi Lindsey!
    I came across your blog through Yuki's. Hope you don't mind me commenting but I remember you and wish now we would have been in better contact when we lived in the ward. Your little ones are adorable. Nash must've been born after we moved. We wish you and your family the best and that all goes well with surgery. Please give Troy greetings from Gavin.

  3. I had no idea he was going in this week. Let us know if you need any help with Blake. Good luck.

  4. Best of luck this week - we'll send extra prayers your way!
    I'm just over 37 weeks...and so ready to be done! :)

  5. we're thinking of you all! praying for a successful surgery for little nash!
