
05 August 2010

Single Mom

Troy is back in New York again for a couple of weeks.

I haven't been able to kick it into gear and get things done around here since he left. Part of that is from the relaxation I felt I was entitled to after scrubbing my house from top to bottom for the bridal showers, but I have also just had such a lack of motivation when lonely evenings stretch ahead of me every day. I have had such little patience for Blake's shenanigans. I have gotten more uptight and irritated when Nash's sleeping schedule has been thrown off track. We have had whatever I could quickly throw together or reheat for dinner every night.

I am a much better mother when I have a husband around to back me up and converse with me at the end of the day.

When the taxi pulled into our driveway to take Troy to the airport this time, I had that sinking feeling like the let down I feel every year when Christmas is over.

Blake has been having a hard time too. Every night he asks for his dad to come home and help put him to bed. He frequently asks where Troy is, and has lately come up with the conclusion that he is on a mission (his uncle Todd is on a two-year mission, so when people are gone for long periods of time, that's where he thinks they go).

I'm not sure what it is about this business trip that is making it more difficult. Maybe it's because we just got Troy back from his last absence. Maybe it's just the culmination of all the weeks that he has been gone this year.

Thankfully, my mom is coming out for the second week of Troy's trip. I love those frequent flier miles. I love adult conversation and company. I'm pretty excited to get this household out of the rut we have been in. I have a lot of summer activities in mind for us to conquer. I'm basically counting down the hours until she arrives.


  1. Don't get down on yourself Nashy. Wanting to have company is human nature, I think we were meant to be in pairs. I remember when Seba worked nights (for three months straight) and we never saw each other, I was pretty miserable.

    That being said, I appreciated his company so much more when he was back on a normal schedule.

    and now that we work together, whenever I want to kill him, I try to remember those days of missing him :)

    Keep your chin up!

  2. I had no idea he was gone again. Seriously you need to call anything you are bored. We can do anything. Even evenings when you are lonely give me a call and come on over, linc is usually busy too. Let me know anything. SERIOUSLY!

  3. That sucks that he is gone again. It is tough to get through an entire day on your own even though so many mom's do but to do it without a husband to be there with you in the evening is tough. You have every right to feel the way you do. Good luck. Have lazy days and don't worry about being productive. You have the rest of your life to be productive. So great that your mom is coming - it will be great to have someone else there!

  4. I'm sorry Linds that must be so hard. I get bummed out when I don't see Kyle all DAY I can't imagine not seeing him for weeks- especially if I had kids to take care of! Hang in there. So glad Julie Nash is coming to the rescue!

  5. I am so sorry, you definitely win the most sympathy points from me! Taylor is leaving for New York in a couple of weeks too, maybe we should have them send Troy and Taylor together next time and we'll take the kids to Disneyland or something fun like that, cause I agree the loneliness stinks!!
