
10 November 2009

What Does a Goat Say?

We had a random stretch of really nice weather in the 70's last week so we took advantage and went to Wheeler Farms with Blake's playmates. We have gotten together with these moms and toddlers several times for fun outings to the park, water streams, and pool, but I always forget to take pictures. It is so much fun that Blake is getting to the age where he really enjoys such outings. He pointed out the sounds that the different animals made and we also enjoyed a tractor-pulled hayride and a picnic lunch. We'll take more November days like these!

Blake's buddies Zenden and Sadie.

The highlight of the day was feeding the goats. None of us could figure out what a goat says. Baa? Gruff? Bleat? Maa? Who knows.

The goats really liked eating the fallen leaves as opposed to hay. Blake was cautious and nervous at first to let the goats eat out of his hand, but he eventually got brave enough to enjoy the activity.

In fact, he enjoyed feeding the goats so much that he made this hysterical laughing face each time the leaf was snapped into the goat's mouth.

Zenden and Blake fed the ducks together. Zenden is the seventh friend we know that was born the same week as Blake. There must have been a storm that week to put everyone into labor (oh wait, there was). These boys are exactly the same size and into the same things.

What would a day at the farm be without a souvenir stick? Blake is such a boy.


  1. Wow, I didn't even recognize Blake! He looks so grown up! It seriously took me a minute to realize that was him in the pictures. I thought it was strange that you posted a picture of just his friends :)

  2. Blake is so cute! I love the face he makes when laughing. Oh so funny!
