
20 November 2009


I feel like I haven't posted much lately and that is probably because my organized mind hasn't been able to sort our recent pictures and activities into central themed posts. So, much to my dismay, here is a random assortment of what has been going on with us lately!

As far as projects go, I have been constructing something big for Blake's 2nd birthday (more on that later). I have also whipped out a few small things this week like some scrapbook pages for a Christmas album I started, and some tissue box covers. Troy thinks that I just invent projects to do while Blake is sleeping, which is probably true, but it has always really bugged me that the tissue boxes clashed with the rooms. We go through a lot of tissues in our house, so only having them in one location is not an option. So, I made these slipcovers for the ugly boxes. It was the first sewing project that I completed without my mom sitting next to me dictating each step. So, although they are not perfect and I now have cuts on two fingers, I am happy with the sewing progress that I have made.

I made a tissue box cover for our bathroom.

And one for the family room.

Sometimes, while I am working on projects or folding laundry, Troy and I like to watch TV. This is somewhat embarrassing, but we have gotten really hooked on the TV show "One Tree Hill." Ever since Blake was born and our evening activities after 8pm became limited, we started watching various TV series. We have watched series such as Prison Break, Friends, Gilmore Girls, Felicity, Alias, The Office, etc. We love giving our commentaries about the acting and plot. It is fun to have something to do together that we look forward to. 

Usually we spread the seasons out over several months, watch episodes here and there, and eventually get burned out with whatever series we are watching about half-way through. However, we are completely hooked on One Tree Hill. It is a pretty well-written drama with interesting characters. We are going through the discs so fast that we can't even keep up with the library holds, so we've had to turn the couch around to face our computer and watch them online on several occasions. We are just too eager to find out what happens next to skip a night and wait for our library holds to arrive! We just started season 4 and we have only been watching for about 4 weeks. It always gets to be about 10:30pm and we debate about going to bed, but we always end up watching "just one more episode...," leaving us both tired the next day. It is pretty pathetic, I know, but we are completely addicted.


  1. Nashy, have you ever seen Scrubs...I feel like I know your sense of not that I'm trying to get you hooked on another show, but seriously. Rent it. Best. Show. Ever. That's Seba's and I's best use of our time together :)

  2. First of all, thanks for the twenty comments referring to yourself cringing about the randomness of your post. I'm pretty sure my very last post was titled My Random Thoughts, and it's something I do often. Friend of mine, you are getting more OCD by the year! :)

    I LOVED Blake's comparison of Santa Claus and Chef Boyardee. SO cute! Also, I was perusing through the Black Friday ads online, and every single season of Friends is going to be 8.99 at Target! Can you believe it? I wasn't necessarily planning on owning those, but at that price I may have to stock up a few of my favorite seasons for my upcoming sleepless nights while breastfeeding a newborn!!!

  3. WAY cute kleenex box covers!! and we used to watch one tree hill too!! that's too funny that troy is addicted :)

  4. I love the tissue boxes and I love the Chef Boyardee story. Kyle and I had a good laugh. And I love that you're addicted to One Tree Hill! I used to watch that back in the day and I was bummed that not many people did because I didn't have anyone to talk to about it. I also LOVE that I get to see you tomorrow! I'm so excited. We can talk about One Tree Hill! :)
