
05 November 2009

Blake Button

Blake is talking a lot more and putting words together. One of his favorite recent new words is "button." He loves everything that has buttons; remote controls, cell phones, garage door openers, toys, lamps, the insides of cars, doorbells, credit card swiping machines, handicap door openers, etc. For about a week he couldn't quite finish the word "button," so everything was a "butt." He begged for "butts" everywhere we went, which was getting somewhat embarrassing in public. Thankfully, he can now finish the word, as well as say some other new phrases. He also thinks that dragging his head on the floor is the funniest thing in the world.


  1. Love it all - especially his cute giggles!

  2. That laugh is priceless!! He is too cute! I can only imagine what Kylie's hair would look like if she took part in that little activity.
