
29 July 2009

Troublesome Act of the Day

Sometimes I underestimate the items that my son can reach. I was in the other room when he came up to me repeating "uh oh" over and over and frantically displaying the sign language for "help me." He then led me to the scene of crime. Apparently he had helped himself to the basil, unscrewed the lid, and dumped the whole bottle onto the carpet. He can't stand messes, so once the crime was complete, he was a little distressed until the mess was cleaned up. That's one more drawer I didn't used to have to childproof.

He also "helped" Troy and I put a dresser together. His nie-night, George, and Froggie helped us too. Blake gathered all his items into the drawer and then hopped in himself. He thought he was funniest person on the planet.


  1. lol. I love that once he makes the mess, he is distresed until it's cleaned up. That one won't be keeping any secrets from you!

    I forgot to tell you that Skyler has been calling her blankie a nie-night ever since Blake visited. I don't know whether to roll my eyes or smile.

  2. you are so lucky that he can't stand messes. that would make my life easier!!

  3. Oh the life of toddler, messes and then looking cute doing something like getting in a drawer!!

  4. Lindsey, I am going to steal some of your links to crafty blogs, ok? I'm not the most creative person, but if I see a fun craft, I can easily get motivated to tackle it! Thanks for the advice, by the way :)

  5. He is not only the funniest, but the cutest too! xoxoxo

  6. Stumbled on your blog...You have a beautiful family!
