
27 July 2009

Summer Nights

My mom informed me last night that I was not posting enough for her liking. So, here you go, mom. Life has slowed down for us quite a bit since our return from Michigan. It has been nice in some ways to not be rushed, although I generally prefer staying busy. 

Troy has been going into work at 6am instead of 7am which should mean that he gets home earlier, but he actually gets home later than ever and has been putting in 60+ hours each week. His work volume has increased dramatically because he just took on a group of London accounts and he is also covering for others that are on vacation. 

So, all he wanted to do was relax this weekend and that is exactly what we did. I fit in some yoga and yard work and Troy watched a lot of movies and bought some new shoes. We spent our evenings as a family out on the hammock. Summer nights don't get much better than that.

I realize that we are breaking many fashion codes in this picture. It was Sunday evening and all I can say is that we just try to get as comfy as possible as quickly as possible after church. I didn't realize until I saw this picture that Blake's arms were in the same position as mine.


  1. You have a hammock? Sweet! I love the pic of you two with your arms in the same position.

  2. You match as well as we do on Sundays:):)

  3. Linz - It was our favorite wedding present ever. I have always loved hammocks so we registered for one, but didn't think someone would actually get it. Well, someone did! It sat in the box during our apartment days but now it gets a lot of use :)
