
31 October 2008

Happy Halloween

We started off our Halloween adventures by going trick-or-treating at Troy's office. It was awesome for the elementary children who could cruise up and down the aisles of desks, loading up their bags with treats in a short amount of time. This method is much more effective than actual door to door trick-or-treating. We didn't load up on candy but we still had fun visiting Troy at work. Troy's team decided to wear sports jerseys as their "costumes." He is usually much more professional looking.

Blake even got to help his dad with equity derivatives.

We also visited Blake's grandpa (or should I say Chef Tanner) at his work.

Blake was burned out by the time we got home. So, we had a nice time staying in and letting the trick-or-treaters come to us. We didn't have as much activity as we thought we would. We now need another Halloween to get rid of all of our extra candy.

1 comment:

  1. You can drop some candy off here-we don't get trick or treaters, so we never have an excuse to buy tons of candy! It's neat that you had people to visit at work, so you had a good reason to dress Blake up for Halloween!
