
28 August 2014

Michigan Friends

Two of my best friends from college were nice enough to drive far distances to join us at the beach this year. I guess it doesn't take too much convincing to spend a day at the lake.

Collectively, we now have nine (almost ten) children. We're doing our best to ensure that the next generation are best buddies as well.


It isn't too hard to get friendships brewing between them. Especially when the beach is involved.

The boogie boards were such a hit for all ages.



Of course, all Crew really needed was a shovel and he was happy as could be.




I remember holding these twin brothers when they were newborns - how did everyone grow up so fast?

The group shot is always an ordeal.

Ha! Better luck next time. And maybe we'll remember to capture the moms amidst the chaos as well.

My best friend Stephanie and I didn't plan our trips very well this summer. We swapped states at the same time, which meant that we could only get together for our beach day at the very beginning of our time in Michigan, and she could only stay with us at the very end of her trip to Utah. We generally like to spread our visits out so we can see each other more than once a year, but we make the most out of whatever time we have together.

The boys were excited that they didn't have to say goodbye to their friends in Michigan, knowing that they'd be staying with us right when we got home. We headed to the water canyons and a new children's museum while they were here. Both outings turned out to have a few kinks; the water was shut off in the canyons when we first arrived and we had to wait in a long line for access to the children's museum (in the rain, no less) on discount day. But they both worked out in the end, despite the crowds. And most importantly, we savored every minute we had together. 



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