
02 February 2014

Nash is Four

Four years ago, Nash surprised us with his early arrival, right as the 2010 Winter Olympics commenced. Now, we're about to enter the 2014 Winter Olympics, and that newborn baby has turned into a smart, sweet, determined, feisty, all-boy four year old.

We celebrated his advancement in age all weekend long, but I can't let his birthday end without listing four of the many reasons I love Nash.

1. He sings sweetly and knows the words to almost every song on the radio, thanks to our daily school commutes.

2. He brings me huge stacks of books everyday and snuggles up to me while we read.

3. He made some big transitions in the past few months. He said goodbye to diapers, naps and his crib, which went seamlessly.

4. Nash is so quick to show affection. So many hugs and "I Love You's" are showered upon us every day.

Happy Birthday, Nashy. Our lives would sure be dull without you.