The snow dumped on us this weekend, for three days straight. It just would not stop.
It came swiftly after a week of playing outside every day in sunny 70's.
I am a total bah-humbug when it comes to snow. Blake played outside three times per day because he was so excited while I sat warmly inside and waved at him through the window.
But, on day four, when the snow stopped falling and stayed still, I finally agreed to get on all my snow gear and join the boys.
Troy had a day off work in honor of Veteran's Day, so we got out the sleds and trudged through the blanket of white.

Nash wasn't so sure about the winter wonderland.

How can you blame him when the snow came up to his knees?

He slid down the hill on a tube a handful of times and then went inside.

But Blake is a die hard. He would have stayed out in the cold all day if we let him. Troy wants to take him skiing this year. I'm still a little on the fence on that one.

No snow day would be complete without a little icicle tasting.

Maybe, just maybe, we've had our fill of snow and can now hibernate until spring.

Holy moly, I am NOT ready for 14 inches of snow!!!