
31 December 2011

2011 Year in Review

I was in charge of putting together the family calendar this year for the grandparents and ourselves. I've tried to switch over to online calendars and calendar apps but I still like having our lives organized in concrete handwritten form.

Like most projects I tackle, I thought I could whip out the calendars in one afternoon, but of course it ended up taking me several days.

Man oh man was I happy when I finally submitted the images to the printer (and paid extra shipping to receive them by Christmas day).

The month by month pages sum up our year quite well. It will be fun to reflect on how much our babies have grown in a short year as I jot down our scheduled events in 2012.

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  1. I have been wanting to do something like that for a couple years now. I think I'll definitely try to do it for next year. Your calendar looks so cute.

  2. Great job! It's crazy to see how much Nash especially has changed over the year.
