
31 March 2011

Sick Day

It breaks my heart when our little boy is burning up so much that I find him asleep in odd locations around the house. I can tell he is really sick because he usually won't doze anywhere but his bed (including his carseat on long drives).

What I don't mind is the extra dose of cuddling that results from his inability to even walk. And when he says things like "you are the best mommy" when I make him some orange juice. 


  1. What a little sweetheart. I noticed he has the "new, nasty nie-nie" under him in the last picture. I can't believe he fell asleep on the bench, not like Blake at all. Hope he's feeling better soon!

  2. Oooh, poor baby! It must be the hardest thing ever to see your little one suffering :(

  3. wowee... quinn had the same thing this week. high fever, and random naps (and she never naps anymore!).

  4. I love that as he's sleeping on the ottoman he's even tippy-toeing to be tall enough to bend over on it. Cute thing.
