
07 March 2010


We blessed baby Nash today. Troy gave him a beautiful blessing. I actually need to go back and read the written notes (thanks mom² and aunt Torri) since Blake was being loud and needy throughout the blessing. I am sure the blessing was beautiful though. It was a perfect day and we are grateful for friends and family members who joined in the celebration of baby Nash. We had a wonderful brunch at our house after the blessing. Babies in white are just so sweet and innocent that I couldn't narrow down the pictures.


  1. congratulations! nash is so sweet! and lindsey--you look gorgeous! I love your hair!

  2. He did look like such a little doll yesterday. and you looked beautiful.

  3. Those pictures are all so sweet---I can see why it was hard to narrow down :) I love the one with Blake giving Kisses to Nash

  4. The pictures are so precious. Nash looked like a little angel. And you look fantastic! Wish I could have been there :(

  5. Oh my gosh, he looks so precious and beautiful. I can still say beautiful even though he's a boy right? Handsome sounds too old for him... Anyway, great pictures of all of you. By the way, Skyler and I both thoroughly enjoyed the videos of Blake! :)

  6. So cute!!! I love the pictures. They are both so adorable.
