
04 December 2009

Birthday Present

Blake's birthday party is tomorrow. We are keeping it pretty simple with just a few family members because 'tis the season for everyone to be busy. I mentioned before that I made Blake's birthday present this year. Here is the finished product:

I know that play kitchens are generally more for little girls, but I am disregarding the gender-typing because I think that Blake will love it! He is getting into the stage where he enjoys pretend play, and he loves to feed his toy animals and "cook" with me. I don't think there is anything wrong with a little boy learning to use a kitchen at a young age. Or maybe I still don't know quite what to do with little boys because I also bought him art supplies for Christmas...

I didn't want to spend a fortune on a play kitchen especially since most of them are pretty girly, so I built my own. I am happy to say that I built this for under $30, using mostly Ikea components, scrap wood, contact paper, and paint. That doesn't include the cookware and food, but it's still not bad for the end result! Here are the hanging pots and pans, kitchen sink and faucet, and stove top.

In the cabinets are a little oven tray, silverware, and storage bins for plates, cups, and bowls.

I added a shelf on top to store food and utensils.

I am so excited for Blake to open his play kitchen and for us to make food together. I think that he is going to love it. Now I just have to figure out how to wrap it.

Update: Here is the tutorial as requested.


  1. Oh my gosh--if I had a kitchen like that I would actually want to cook. You did a great job and I can't believe you MADE it! Happy Birthday big two-year-old! Hugs & Kisses!

  2. Nothing wrong with a little boy liking cooking and art! More (LDS) men could use that kind of gender-neutral parenting! Rock on! I wish I was patient enough to take on the kinds of projects you do!

  3. okay this is so cute! i was in troy's single's ward a long time ago and have loved reading your blog. i want to get my little boy a play kitchen too and wanted to make one since they are so expensive...i would LOVE any details on how you made this or what things from ikea you used. it looks amazing and i can't believe you did it for under $30 - that is definitely my price range!! please give some details :)

  4. Oh my gosh! I LOVE it! Want to make one for Cecelia? She has a play kitchen that she loves but its a plastic one and I really, really want a wooden one for her. That turned out awesome. Tutorial please? :D Or at least a basic idea of how on earth you put that all together.

  5. Great idea! And it turned out perfect! Way to go.

  6. That is so awesome!!! I agree, that little boys should have kitchen's too. It is just as popular with my 5 year old boys in my class as my girls. :) Nothing wrong with cooking. My husband is a better cook than me anyway. I am sure he and your future children will love it for years!

  7. Can't believe he is already 2 in just a couple more days!! Doesn't it just fly by?! Oh and I absolutely LOVE the kitchen. A kitchen is fun for all kids cause all children see their parents in the kitchen. It is wonderful to encourage pretend play anyway. I love that those things are usually a couple hundred and you made that one for SO cheap!!

  8. WHOA. Lindsey, you ROCK girl!! What a fun idea. Happy birthday Blake!

  9. WOW! Awesome work! You always inspire me to take on projects. Now if only I could decide on 1 and actually do it :)

  10. AMAZING!!!! seriously, nice job. i wouldn't dare tackle a project like that. i'm totally impressed :)

  11. That is amazing. I'll have to show Curt. We were in Toys R uS Christmas shopping and I suggested a kitchen set, or just play food....Curt shot it down hard core. But imaginary play is so important at this age! Great job.
