
01 October 2009

Boy or Girl?

To our great surprise, we will be adding another
to our family!

We are one step closer to the Twelve Tribes of Tanner.


  1. congrats!!! how fun will it be for blake to have a little brother!!!

  2. Wonderful news! You make cute boys!

  3. Two boys! What fun. I felt torn too. I wanted a girl to have that experience but with another boy you already have the stuff and it is your little boy having a brother. Congrats. I think Blake will have so much fun having a baby around!

  4. Congratulations! I'm sure Blake will love having a little brother.

  5. Awesome! Congrats Nashy, I second what Linz says, you do make cute boys, so the method is tried and true :) And Blake is going to LOVE having a little brother.

    Both of us as girl with one brother, I'm sure you understand the longing for a sister. And a bet boys with just sisters feel the same way. There's something amazing about a brother brother or sister sister bond.

  6. Congratulations! Boys are fun, they will be great friends :-) Good luck on the rest of your pregnancy.

  7. Yay for boys. I was a little disappointed when I first found Eric was a boy, but I am so grateful now. It is so much fun to have little brothers to play with each other. I'm actually pretty sure at this point that I would be fine with all boys:). Congratulations!

  8. Yay! Congrats. These almost twinners may be born on the same day. We're also expecting a boy! Gotta love them. There's nothing better than mommy-son love. Boys seem to really enjoy being nurtured.
