
08 September 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Well, I did it once again. We packed in a ton of activities this weekend and I only managed to take four pictures. I am the worst at remembering to take pictures of things.

The weekend started out with my Quarter Century birthday on Thursday. Troy surprised me with a sitter for Blake that he arranged so that we could go out to dinner alone. I will admit, I had little faith in him to make any sort of plans, so I was shocked when our cute neighbor girl showed up at the door around dinner time. We ate at The Cheesecake Factory and brought home dessert to share with Troy's parents who came over later to celebrate.

On Friday, we headed up to the Tanner's cabin. We woke up on Saturday morning to a gorgeous full double rainbow over the mountains. I couldn't even fit the whole rainbow into my lens because we were so close to it.

We stumbled upon the Swiss Festival in Midway when we were driving around the next morning. We missed the parade, but we walked through the art fair and bought cinnamon rolls from the Relief Society (so Utah). We went out to dinner in Park City where it was actually a little bit cool outside. I have been dying for some cooler weather so that I can pull out some of Blake's fall clothes. Usually, I don't like fall that much because it means that winter is on its way. But this year, I had such a rotten nauseated summer spent over the white porcelain bowl that I'm hoping the season change will be an omen to feeling better.

We headed home on Sunday to teach lessons in church. After church, we made my absolute favorite...fondue...with the Tanners. Oh man, I think I could live on bread and vegetables dipped in cheese fondue. Nah, skip the vegetables, just the bread and cheese would work for me. Too bad it's so expensive with the specialty cheeses and so time consuming to make, because otherwise we really might have fondue every night at our house.

On Monday, Blake got his first real haircut. We cut it ourselves all the time at home, but Troy had to get his hair cut anyway, so we brought them both in. Blake had a very shaggy before 'do. Troy psyched him up for the big event.

Blake actually held very still while sitting in his dad's lap and was really excited about the comb and sucker they gave him.


  1. happy birthday!!! blake looks cute with his new haircut!

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend! Love Blaker's cute new do! Tried to call you today...I'm off to work the next two nights but hopefully we can chat soon!

    p.s. The deleted comment was me, because I was signed in as Mitch. Oops. Don't you just always wonder what the deleted comments are???

  3. My family was in Midway for Swiss Days and then Park City. I miss being able to just 'drive up to Park City' you are lucky :-)
    Looks like a fun weekend. We miss seeing you and your family around.
    take care.
