
28 July 2008

Eleven Moves in Three Years

I counted.

This will be my 11th move in the last 3 years, and hopefully the only move for the next 3+ years. I have become pretty efficient at packing, but that does not mean I enjoy it. Every time I move I just have more things. Now we have all of this baby stuff to move, and I'm sure the load will only get heavier throughout the years. Troy has conveniently been in New York and has therefore avoided all of the packing.

The good news is we closed on our house today! We are officially homeowners!!

I guess we'll pack and move Blake.

Hours of packing + Grandma's much needed help = Silliness


  1. I know how that feels! Adam and I have definitely had our share of moves... unfortunately an end is not see in sight. Maybe in ten years we'll have a house we call home.

    Congrats on becoming a home owner! Have fun decorating :)

  2. LOL! My favorite part about this is you and Julie Nash being your silly selves, and Blake looking at you like "Oh Brother..." So excited for you about owning a home and being done with the moving for awhile. Good luck tomorrow!
