
17 March 2008

Don't Ya, Don't Ya?

Blake, you have pretty blue eyes. Don't ya, don't ya?

Blake, you like to laugh. Don't ya, don't ya?

Blake, you love your mommy. Don't ya, don't ya?

Blake, you think mommy is funnier than daddy. Don't ya, don't ya?

He thought all of these questions were pretty hilarious.


  1. Oh my goodness this is SUCH A CUTE video. Isn't it crazy what babies find funny! Oh I love this thanks for posting it.

  2. AAAWWWWW!!! I watched this like three times, right in a row! He is so stinkin adorable. I love how he went from cracking up to completely straight-faced in half a second, in anticipation of the next Don't Ya!

  3. He is so darn cute I just can't stand to be away from him. At least I can see pictures and way-cute videos! Blake thinks Grandma is funny too--Don't Ya, Don't Ya?

  4. He really is cute. Little baby laughs have such a way of melting your heart...

  5. It is so funny how he goes from still to laughing and back so quickly!!!

  6. Oh my gosh that is so so so stinkin cute! From what you wrote I thought at first it was going to be to the tune of the Kelly Pickler song...
