
05 December 2007

Today is my Due Date!

Every morning now I wake up hoping to feel some contractions or come across a great sign that I'm going into labor! But today will probably be like all of the other days so far...nothing. I am not uncomfortable at all, I am more just annoyed that this is supposed to be when the pregnancy is over and baby Tanner arrives! And I'm still just waddling around! At least Troy and I have a few Christmas parties this week to keep us occupied and not as disappointed when day after day we have no baby.

I was never very good at taking pictures during the pregnancy because I just felt kind of ridiculous but I did manage to get a few due to pleading parents and distant friends.

4 Months -  A couple of days before we found out we were having a boy.

5 Months - My cousin Sue and friend Stephanie threw me a baby shower before we left Michigan.

5 1/2 Months - On our Cruise to the Baltic with the Tanners.

6 Months - Kristen came out to visit. Can you see the little bump?

7 Months - My first real "pregnancy" shot.

8 Months - Alisa dressed up as me for Halloween. Only she could take her baby out! I, however, had a natural bumblebee 'bump'.

9 Months - This was taken a couple of days ago and as you can see - I definitely made up for being small in the beginning! Baby Tanner got huge almost overnight and is ready to greet the world!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah right, Linds, you still looked tiny! And I'm sure you'll be back to a completely flat tummy within the month! Congrats on Blake - he's too cute for words - I even told Troy he rivals Stella, and that's saying something!!!
