Amidst all of the birthday and holiday celebrations in December, we were busy preparing for another special event.

In our church, we wait until children are eight so they can make their own decision to be baptized. By the time they're eight they have a pretty good gage of their free agency. They know what is right and what is wrong and they have a basic concept of all things heavenly.

We walked around our neighborhood for a little photoshoot in Blake's new suit a few weeks before his scheduled baptism day.

I loved that Blake's curiosity for sticks eventually got the best of him.

I just rolled with it.

Amidst all of the excitement and preparation, I had mixed emotions.
First of all, Blake is our oldest child and his baptism always seemed so far off in the future. We blinked and all of a sudden we had an eight year old. Getting baptized was a pretty big indication that he's growing up. Second of all, I pondered over whether he was really ready.
It was important to us for Blake to understand this step of faith he was taking. We had the missionaries over to review some concepts in preparation for his big day. He goes to church every week and we talk about church stuff a lot at home, but there's nothing like having real missionaries in your home explaining things in such a neat way to your child. But did he really understand it all?
In the midst of my apprehension, wondering whether this little boy of mine was ready or not, he took it up a notch in his prayers. He made it a point to ask if getting baptized was something he should do. He felt that confirmation as he met with the bishop a few weeks later for an interview. He came home absolutely beaming after the bishop told Troy that we should be very proud of our son.
Yes, that little spirit of his was ready to be baptized.
Sure, there is always more to learn, no matter how old you are. But I think Blake was more ready than I gave him credit for. He truly is one who seeks to understand spiritual things and always has such good questions for me. He has an innate desire to do what is right. I'm so grateful for all that his little soul full of faith teaches me every day.

Blake's big day finally arrived and his baptism was very sweet. He was baptized by his dad and it was such a great day to share with family and friends.
Since his baptism fell at the end of Christmas break, all of his aunts and uncles and grandparents were able to come into town for the event. His grandma gave a talk at his baptism and surprised him later by giving him a brand new set of scriptures that she used during the talk. He has been reading them every night and he is really letting the words sink into his heart.
I asked him how he felt after his baptism and he told me that he felt good and also the water was cold. The baptismal font is filled up with water in advance and I guess the temperature cooled off quite a bit before Troy and Blake made their way in. But not even the cold water could keep the warm spirit from seeping in as he was baptized and confirmed.
He was invited to sit up front at church the next day so he could be recognized as the newest baptized member of the congregation. On the first Sunday of every month, members are invited to come up to the stand and bear their testimonies. Blake sat quietly until the very end of the testimonies and as the chorister and pianist stood up to close the meeting with a hymn, he mouthed to me, "Can I go?" I was worried he was too late, but I nodded and he made his way to the microphone. The chorister and pianist quickly sat back down and the bishop found a stool for him to stand on so he could see over the pulpit. He bore a sweet, simple testimony in front of our congregation of 200+ people. He was brave and confident and full of pure light.

I can't think of a better way to end our Christmas break.
This is so well written Lindsey. You really captured Blake's feelings and the spirit about him. I love that the photos show both a serious and fun minded boy, which he is. I love him SO MUCH and am so very proud of him. I'm very glad to hear that he is reading the scriptures every night. Blake, that's a WONDERFUL habit!