
17 July 2014

So Many Tanners

On day two of the family reunion, everyone in attendance gathered in one place at one time, which was no easy task. The immediate members of the Tanner family are spread all over the world, so the amount of relatives gathered at these biennial reunions is typically about half of the total posterity.

That's how a big a family grows when you have 13 children. It has been years since all of the siblings have been together because several of them have been away serving missions, so this year was a momentous occasion.

The "286 and Counting" is credited to Troy's 93 year old grandmother and her late husband. That is one large posterity.

Half of our immediate family was missing due to a recent move.

Poor Blake was so sick with the stomach flu during the family photo shoot. 

He did his best to put on a happy face even though he looked as white as a ghost.

It's too bad he felt so under the weather because there was a station set up for the kids with endless collage supplies. Nash spent an hour adding items to his masterpiece.

We had to cut it short and head home before Blake contaminated everyone (or upchucked all over the main pavilion again). And even though I was lamenting the loss of our typical 4th of July traditions and dead tired from a night with little sleep, I always walk away from these reunions with a grateful heart. I'm thankful that our children have opportunities to see that they are part of something greater and to recognize the sacrifices of those who have paved the way for them.

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